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The company will penetrate the market in the design, patent and marketing of oncology diagnostic test kits for niche markets within the personalized medicine arena. The test service is based on the use of genomic testing and will allow oncologists to predict treatment response, thereby enabling individualized treatment decisions predicated on gene expression profiles. Such a technique would be especially useful for selecting cancer treatments, which often have low response rates and serious side effects. Initial efforts will be focused to develop a prognostic test to predict recurrence in lung cancer patients, and the company projects $4 million in sales by the end of third year. The company also recognizes the opportunities for developing personalized diagnostic tests/kits that are applicable to diverse treatment modalities such as surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy; and for many types of cancer within 5-10 years.
OncoPath Genomics is a spin-out from the Rutgers Robert Wood John Medical School (RWJMS), New Brunswick , New Jersey. University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey (UMDNJ). It has been founded by those who have more than 15 years of expertise in cancer research and gene expression technology. OncoPath Genomics primarily will initially serve cancer patients in the United States and will expand its activity to Europe and Canada within 5-10 years. A key element of the foundation of the business and building an excellent reputation will be accomplished by hiring an outstanding management team and work force.
Mission Statement
OncoPath Genomics is an innovative new company that will strive to provide high-quality gene expression prognostic and predictive services for the personalized medicine arena, which will enable better management of cancer patients. OncoPath Genomics test servicers will allow oncologists to predict treatment response, thereby enabling individualized treatment decisions predicated on gene expression profiles. Such a technique would be especially useful for selecting cancer treatments, which often have low response rates and serious side effects.